Current Events
Journey Church
Irvine, California
August 21, 2022 @ 945am
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Say Yes to Righteousness
Sunday Sermon with Dr. Ken Baugh
Many people think that the solution to sinning less is to try harder the next time temptation rolls around. However, trying harder rarely leads to sustainable change. James 1:13-18 provides a robust training process that strengthens our “NO” muscle. In this message, Ken Baugh will unpack for us six practical guidelines that if we choose to put into practice will enable every follower of Christ to become the kind of person who is able to say “NO” to sin and “YES” to righteousness.
What is Discipleship?
Monday, August 8, 2022 @ 9pm ET on TBN
Kirk Cameron interviews Ken Baugh to explore discipleship, a process of becoming more like Jesus by focusing in on his character, not just information.
A portion of this interview is now available on the YouTube channel, Kirk Cameron on TBN. Just click to play now.

March 5, 2021 - Part 2
The Presence and Practice Podcast is helping people feel confident that God is present to them in a compassionate and loving way. It is hosted by John Loppnow.
In this episode, John continues his conversation with Ken Baugh. “We had a rich conversation about trauma, Jesus, and healing.”

March 3, 2021 - Part 1
The Presence and Practice Podcast is hosted by John Loppnow. In this eposide he interviewed Ken Baugh about being stuck in your faith.
“This conversation with Ken Baugh was rich, meaningful and a fresh expression of faith formation and brain science.”

March 1, 2021
The 5 Leadership Questions podcast is hosted by Todd Adkins and Chandler Vannoy. The aim of this podcast is to inform and encourage Christian leaders no matter where they are serving. In this episode, featuring Dr. Ken Baugh, author of Unhindered Abundance, they discuss right and left brain dynamics in regards to character building and having a safe place for feedback.

February 17, 2021
The Sacred Space Podcast. Host, Gina Stockton, interviews Ken Baugh. Ken shares his journey as a pastor who found himself burned out, fired and faced with a decision; either run from his pain, anger and brokenness, or let Jesus meet him there to bring transformation.

February 10 - Part 1
Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast and YouTube show. Hosts, Brandon Robinson and Rob Jacobs, interview Ken Baugh about his new book, Unhindered Abundance.

February 16 - Part 2
Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast and YouTube show. Hosts, Brandon Robinson and Rob Jacobs, continue their interview with Ken Baugh about his new book, Unhindered Abundance.
Trinity Encounter, May – October 2022
A weeklong experience in Montana where workplace men or women gather to meet and encounter God in a focused time of teaching, processing, and listening. Ken Baugh is a teaching pastor for the men’s cohorts.
This is an opportunity for you to disengage from the busyness of our hectic lifestyles and culture, to reflect and gain perspective, but most importantly to spend a week experiencing God. If that’s what you need or desire, then this is for you. In Matthew, Jesus invites His disciples to “come away with Me.” Have you ever had the need or opportunity to do so? This is what the week at The Trinity Encounter is about.
IDT Ministries highly recommends this very impactful retreat. Trinity Ranch is a picturesque 2000-acre cattle ranch located in the southwest corner of Montana – in Conner, Montana.